Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Sunday, 14 January 2024


 Georgios Kallis ( Autonomous Uni of Barcelona )


Thomas Roulet ( Cambridge University )


Maitreesh Ghatak ( London School of Economics )




Context ( Articles / Interview ):



Ø  Degrowth means we live a simpler life, so that others can simply live


Ø  Degrowth will accelerate as consumers change-companies should adapt now


Ø  Relentless pursuing growth can uproot the tree that bears us fruit


(  source :  Economic Times – 23 Dec 2020 )



Dear Friends,



What you advocate , makes great sense



In JAINISM, there is a VOW , called “ Asteya “



A follower who takes this vow, is expected to lead a simple life by consuming only that much quantity which is essential to sustain life – no more


Developed countries who, through over-exploitation of resources, have so far managed to lead a “High Standard of Living “ , will gradually need to reduce it to a sustainable level





You wrote :


“ The thought process for companies needs to start around their product itself – is it durable ?


  What features an be integrated into the design of the product so that it will consume LESS RESOURCES and provide the same utility to the consumer ? “



My take (  https://myblogepage.blogspot.com/2019/11/low-manpower-cost-low-cost-economy.html  )  :


Ø  In any given product, 99 % of the resource ( value addition ) is HUMAN resource, as explained below :


Product Cost                =   Cost of   “ Assemblies “                       +  Manpower Cost



Ø  Assembly Cost        =   Cost of  “ Sub Assemblies “                  +  Manpower Cost



Ø  Sub Assembly Cost  =   Cost of    “ Components “                    +  Manpower Cost



Ø  Component Cost      =    Cost of    “ Semis “                            +  Manpower Cost



Ø  Semis Cost              =   Cost of    “ Minerals “                          +  Manpower Cost



Ø  Minerals Cost           =   Cost of    “ Beneficiation “                    +  Manpower Cost



Ø  Beneficiation Cost     =   FREE digging out from Earth                +  Manpower Cost




Every product that we see around us has its origin in Earth




At every stage , from digging out the minerals from the Earth ( which Mother Earth provides for FREE ) , to assembling the final product,  we need to employ people and pay them salaries / wages , which is “ Manpower Cost “ [ This also applies to generation of electric power – a crucial input ]




Hence,  fundamentally , every cost addition at every stage of manufacture, is  MANPOWER  COST  !




So , the industry which manages to keep its Manpower Cost low ( as compared to competitors ), manages to sell its products cheaper and corner a large market share within a country




This also holds true at international level




A country which manages to keep its Manpower Costs low , manages to out-price other countries and can export more



“ Manpower costs “ depend upon salary levels which keep rising, year after year , as employees demand neutralization of rising “ Consumer Prices “


In most countries, a component of salary ( known as DEARNESS ALLOWANCE , in India ) , is linked to CPI ( Consumer price Index )


This sets in motion a circle of Rising CPI > Rising Salaries > Rising product costs > Rising CPI


In past , I have suggested that Annual Salary Increement should not attempt to neutralize COST of LIVING , by 100 %


It should be restricted to ( say ) 75 % max


When people have  less salary ( consumer surplus ), they will buy / consume less !



With regards,


Hemen Parekh


Mumbai – India / hcp@RecruitGuru.com  /  www.hemenparekh.in  

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