Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Wednesday, 3 January 2024


 Dear Mr Subramanyan

{ Chairman , L&T } ,

I was thrilled to read the highlights of your FIRST letter to L&T Employees, after taking over as the Chairman of L&T

I hope that this first letter will be followed by many more over the next months and years

During my tenure as GM ( Powai ) , 1979-1987 , I too wrote letters to Powai Employees ( 174 letters in all ) , sharing with them, the GOOD news and the BAD news !

The then Chairman , Shri N M Desai , had following to write as an introduction to a small ( 20 letter ) compilation of those letters , published by BCCI , titled , " The Sun Rises in the West " :



Even at the best of times, communicating effectively is a difficult task. Whereas most managements are willing to spend huge sums of money for public relations and advertising – which is communicating with the external world – they are quite reluctant to spend time or energy – talking to their own employees.

Whatever little “ talking with “ that takes place, is done during times of trouble such as a strike or a lock-out or a go slow.

I am therefore happy that the Chamber decided to bring out this monograph , consisting of a few selected employer – employee communications, regularly being sent out by Mr H C Parekh in the past 7 years, to 7,000 employees of the company that he works for.

I do hope this will encourage some managers to initiate an on-going dialogue with the employees of their companies .


N M Desai

President , Bombay Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Feb 10 , 1987




“ This publication is very unusual in the sense that , for the first time , a compilation of messages from a General Manager to his staff – supervisory as well as Unionized workforce – has been made , and this will perhaps be considered unconventional for a Chamber

However , in the pages that follow, are contained excerpts from circulars and other such material ,  which highlight a manager’s attempts to try to establish a continuous wave-length with those working in his organization.

It was felt that this effort deserves to be brought to the notice of Members and others who have been greatly concerned with the imperative need to evolve a healthy human relationship in a mechanical environment.

The ideas and observations contained in this articles are Mr Parekh’s and in bringing out this book, the Chamber has merely tried to act as a vehicle of information dissemination, notwithstanding the fact that these messages were initially intended for the workforce in a single Member company


With regards,


Hemen Parekh ( hcp )





Letters  To  L&T  Employees      

Amazon E-Book     

L&T Switchgear & Other Stories  

L&T  Story

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