Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Wednesday 18 November 2015


Dear GK,

" Quo Vadis " was largely a guesstimate / a statistical extrapolation

There was nothing really " disruptive " there , in what I wrote ( except perhaps that , in years to come , wires / cables will become obsolete and all electric power will flow without WIRES , within a house )

But my following blog , could turn out to be prophetic ! Pity , I won't be around to witness it !




Monday, 24 March 2014

Salvaging Life On Earth

The biggest cause for the degradation of environment is burning of fossil fuels

Burning of coal / gas / oil etc produces green-house gases , leading to global warming / floods / droughts etc

Everyone knows that the real long term solution is switching over to renewable energy sources such as wind / sun / tides etc

Can we tap earth's magnetism to produce abundant / unlimited / clean energy ?

I believe so and would request the scientists to consider my following suggestion :

Every school child knows that ,

>  Electricity is generated when a copper wire is 

     rotated in any magnetic field

>   Earth is surrounded by a very strong magnetic


>   This magnetic field is generated by the rotation

     of molten iron deep inside earth's core

>   This magnetic field also protects us from harmful 

     ultra-violet rays / gamma radiations from space

Now , suppose we find a way to ,

>  Construct a hollow cylinder of woven Copper wires  

     to envelope the earth , 100 miles above the 

     earth's surface ( like those thin rings of Saturn )

>  Then , using small rocket thrusts , rotate this

     cylinder in the direction opposite of earth's

     rotation , to cut through its magnetic field

Will that generate electricity  ?

I think so

With international co-operation such a project would take less time - and possibly money too - than the already successful international projects of the International Space Station or the Large Hadron Collider of CERN

It may be exciting to discover the God Particle and understand what makes up mass but I think , it is far more useful to find a permanent / clean source of energy to prevent the extinction of all life on earth by burning fossil fuels

*  hemen  parekh  (  25  March 2014 / Mumbai )

From: Ganesh Apte [mailto:ganesh.apte@leftrightmind.com]
Sent: Monday, November 16, 2015 4:38 PM
To: Hemen C Parekh HC
Cc: Apte Ravi

Dear HCP,

Thanks for jogging my memory ! ,, In fact, I had preserved a copy of the full report “Quo Vadis ?” in my Library for many years ! ….  It’s good to have it accessible on your website now !

Reading the extracts of likely scenario of "Telecom sector development” envisaged by you, as far back as 1989 is amazing ! … can only be termed as “Prophetic” ! 


Ganesh Apte

On 15-Nov-2015, at 12:51 pm, Hemen Parekh <hcp@recruitguru.com> wrote:

Dear GK / Ravi,

Following might interest you



" QUO  VADIS  ? "

Extract from a report on " Corporate Diversification Strategy "

Submitted to L&T Corporate Management

Jan  05 , 1989

Read full report at www.hemenparekh.in>Blogs


(B.4) Economy sector  :     Communication

(B.4.1) Sub-sector      :     Telecommunication


Observations  /  Recommendations :

This sector can be broadly divided into two,

*  services and 

*  products.

Both of these are very closely controlled by the State / Central Govt through public sector units. 

For the next 25 years, this is going to be one of the fastest growing sector of economy. 

The public sector is unlikely to cope-up with the demands and gradually more and more areas of goods & services are expected to be thrown open to the private / joint sector.

The entire sector, therefore merits a very close, "In-depth" examination and development of detailed " Entry-Strategies" in a big way, including backdoor entry through tying-up with state Govt projects.

The following developments will revolutionize the tele-communications:

*   Very powerful supercomputers

*   Artificial intelligence / Expert systems

*   Miniaturization

*   Optical computing

*   Large scale use of optical fiber cables

Within the next 10 years, there will be ,

Generation/ Storage / Retrieval / Manipulation / Transmission of :

- Voice

- Data

- Text

- Image

thru a single instrument.

Having covered the "Senses" of EYES and EARS, within the next 25 years, the 3rd generation revolution will comprise the long distance transmission of the feelings generated by the senses of:




Japan, USA and Europe will lead the development of these new technologies which will give birth to a whole gamut of " Sunrise " industries in these coun­tries.

Obviously these industries will have for its basic building blocks, very powerful micro-processors operating at fantastic speeds.

These micro-proce­ssors will have a product-life of not more than 2/3 years and will require heavy investments in manufacturing facilities. 

For this reason, manu­facture of these building-blocks would be beyond the abilities of countries like India.

On the other hand, the "Applications" of these technologies will travel to India, much faster than hitherto. 

This will open-up enormous opportunities to those Indian companies which have built-up a strong "Application-base" in communication electronics by the turn of the century.

Very clearly therefore, L&T's strategy should be to build-up such a base through a series of com­plimentary ( non-conflicting ) steps comprising of :

1    Joint-venture with world-leaders.

2    Technical collaborations with world-leaders.

3    Joint ventures with State Industrial Development 

4   Joint ventures with existing PSUs such as ECIL, 
     BEL, ITI / GCEL, etc.

5   A central " Technology-Absorption / Transfer, cum­ R&D
     Laboratory " with a free flow of technicians /
     engineers / scientists to the geographically dispersed

     manufacturing units. 

    This will include a 

    * " Communication Consultancy Service Organization "

6   Owning and operating a publishing network of
     newspapers / magazines / professional journals.

7   Owning and operating a Computerized Data Network for :

          -      Financial World ( Equity / Bonds / Debentures, etc.)

          -      Products / Services ( Yellow-page type )

          -      Industrial Production Statistics ( for market surveys, etc. )

          -      Business Intelligence / Corporate Performance

          -      Industrial Licensing Data 

Full report can be read at :  www.hemenparekh.in > Reports  

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