Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Friday 17 November 2023


 Better Late Than Never




Context :


Reveal mortgage status of Housing projects, Maharashtra builders told   /   Eco Times  /  08 Nov 2021



Extract :


The Maharashtra Real Estate Regulatory Authority (MahaRERA) has directed all real estate developers in the state to declare the security interests created by them on the projects registered with the authority.

The move is aimed at 
improving transparency and alerting prospective homebuyers about any mortgage or loans taken by the developer against the apartments they are about to buy - or the project itself.

The MahaRERA has now made it clear that homebuyers and allottees also need to be aware of such security interest created on real estate projects and apartments that they are interested in buying.

Many times, homebuyers purchase a property without the knowledge of the mortgage or loan status of the property and this later results in litigations and legal complexities.

If the developer has availed of a loan by mortgaging inventory or a few apartments and is not able to repay, banks would take charge of the property to recover their dues and this would affect the homebuyer.

These situations can be avoided with the new directive by the authority, as Cersai has the records of all properties against which loans have been sanctioned.

Realty developers will now have to submit a report from Cersai on security interests created in the real estate project along with the encumbrances certificate while registering the project with the authority.

In case no security interest has been created, the developer needs to provide an undertaking confirming the same. The developer is also expected to submit the Cersai report when it makes changes to the security interests created. According to the MahaRERA, the Cersai reports submitted need to be generated within 10 days before the date of submission.





6 YEARS ago , I sent following e-mail to our Policy Makers / MahaReRa authorities :




Extract :


The Form will have a section called :




Builder would be required to tick YES / NO against each item as shown :





" I declare that I have read each and every notification / regulation , listed   in respect of items mentioned above


I further declare that I explicitly agree to abide by these regulations


I am aware that Occupation Certificate will not be granted if my completed project is found to be in violation of any of these notifications / regulations


I will not allow any person / entity to occupy any part of this premises, until and unless, Municipality issues to me, the Occupation Certificate


If Municipality finds any violations, I agree to rectify the same before applying for a fresh Occupation Certificate


If Municipality is not in a position to issue Occupation Certificate due to any violations which simply cannot be rectified , then I will demolish the said building / project / structure  on my own and before such demolition , refund with interest , payments collected from the buyers


The plot of land is free from any encumbrances / litigations


I am not in default of any loans taken from any bank / individuals


I will not accept any payment in cash, nor make cash payments


I absolve the Municipal Corporation of any liability arising out of non completion of my project 


I agree that my Building Permit Application and my Registration Application details, be made accessible to public on your web site, along with full details of my past / current projects and full details of my balance sheet / bank borrowings  " 



Dear Shri Hardeep Singh Puriji


(  Union Minister for Housing ) ,



Hardeep.spuri@sansad.nic.in    minister-mohua@nic.in


My above-mentioned e-mail, contains some other suggestions as well. I urge you to consider these for inclusion in your Ministry’s guidelines to RERA authorities of all the States

With regards,

Hemen Parekh  /  hcp@recruitGuru.com  /  08 Nov 2021


Mail sent to :


































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