Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Friday 17 November 2023


 Thank You , Smt Smriti Iraniji



What for ?


For directing that malnourished kids be measured ( for their height – weight ) , at regular intervals to judge their growth



Where did you read this ?


Growth measurement crucial for kids at anganwadis to determine status: Centre to States / UTs

Economic Times  /  06  Nov 2021



Extract :


The Centre has informed states and Union territories that growth measurement is essential for all children at Anganwadi Centres to obtain their status as “ normal “ / “ underweight “  / “ severe acute malnourishment “ / “ moderate acute malnourishment “ / “ stunted “ and “ wasted “


In a letter to chief secretaries of all states/UTs, the Ministry of Women and Child Development said  the measurement should be done for at least 80 % of the children in the 0 – 6 age group EVERY MONTH


“ Any child who is not measured in a particular month, has to be compulsorily measured NEXT MONTH “ , it said

“ The growth measurement – length / height and weight – is essential for all children to obtain their status as Normal / Underweight / SAM / MAM / Stunted and Wasted “ , the Ministry said


“ The achievement of these criteria will be determined through the  Poshan Tracker application “ , it said


The Application was launched LAST YEAR to strengthen and bring TRANSPARENCY in nutrition delivery services. It was developed as a GOVERNANCE TOOL for real-time MONITORING of nutritional outcomes






5 Years ago I sent following mail to our Cabinet Ministers :

Ø Saving 1.2 million Kids ……………………………… [ 29 June 2016 ]


Extract :


How can we ensure that they get some nutritious food every day ?


If there is a will, there is a way - the following way :


[ A ] ………FOOD  …………….(  read details at above link )

[ B ]…….. PACKING …………( read at link )

[ C ] ….MANUFACTURERS..( read at link )

[ D ]…. DELIVERY POINTS ( read at link )



Ø Each NEUTRA-KID bar wrapper will have a bar-code ( till such time inserting RFID sensors become a reality )


             *  Bar code will carry all normal instructions + Delivery Destination ( Post Office )


             *  Each NEUTRA-KID bar will pass thru a Bar Code Reader on the Assembly Line, before dispatch


             *  Info collected thru this reader will get transmitted to the Central Server of concerned Ministries


             *  After taking his / her weight and entering in an online Database , hosted on the Central Server of

                the concerned Ministries, each targeted child will get registered at the nearest Post Office


             *  Each registered child will be issued a blue tooth enabled Smart phone, duly pre-installed with a

                 Mobile App called,


               " BANMALI " ( Banish Malnutrition in India ) , in which Child's data / Aadhar No will be entered


             *  Every day , the concerned child ( and parent ) will visit the post office to collect the NEUTRA-KID



             *  Before handing over bar, child will be weighed on a weighing machine and the weight

                 entered in BANMALI


                 The weight record graph will appear on the screen of the PC located at the Post Office ( Blue

                 Tooth )


             *  This record will also get transmitted ( of course, automatically ) to the COMMUNITY HEALTH

                 CENTRE where the concerned child is " registered " ( this will be compulsory in order to be eligible

                 for this Scheme )



            *  Every time , a child is taken for his/her monthly HEALTH CHECK UP ( also compulsory in order to

               Receive next month's NEUTRA-KID bars ), concerned doctor will examine the child and enter his

               findings in BANMALI




·        Doctor will be required to enter medicines prescribed as also, increase / decrease in the QUOTA of NEUTRA- KID bars recommended for the next month




·         All of these data will get relayed to the Central Servers of the concerned Ministries



Dear Smt Iraniji,





Thank you for implementing suggestion in respect of height / weight measurements. I urge you to consider the rest of my suggestions


With regards,


Hemen Parekh  /  hcp@RecruitGuru.com  /  09 Nov 2021



Related Readings :


       BANMALI arrives : Named as Poshan Tracker……………………… [ 17 Apr 2021 ]


Ø  A Mobile App named " BANMALI "………………………………….. [ 15 Sept 2016 ]


Ø  BANMALI is the TOTAL SOLUTION …………………………………..[ 14 Nov 2016 ]


Ø  Can Akshay Patra Banish Malnutrition ? ………………………….[ 05 June 2017 ]


Ø  Thank You Madam Maneka Gandhiji ………………………………..[ 21 Dec 2018 ]


Extract :

            #   For what ?

                 For accepting my suggestions ( all sent as above E Mails to Cabinet

                 Ministers )

             #  How  ?

           By launching “ Poshan Abhiyan “ at the hands of Shri Modiji

           on 08 March 2018


                 Ø  Poshan Tracker – Helping make India malnutrition free by 2022  

Extract :

#   National Nutrition Mission named as the Hon’ble Prime Minister’s

     Overarching Scheme for Holistic Nutrition (POSHAN) Abhiyaan

     was launched in 2017, as a multi-ministerial  convergence mission,

      with the overarching vision to make India malnutrition free by 2022.

     The Ministry of Women and Child Development has rolled out Poshan

     Tracker application

    The Poshan Tracker is built using centralized data architecture, that

     also aligns with the digital  technology systems of other ministries and


    The system provides a digital identity to each beneficiary through a

    digital card, and allows convergence of call centre with the technology


    The system generates automated alerts to the critical last-mile


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