Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Friday 17 November 2023

Congratulations, Dr Kunal Khemnarji

 Congratulations, Dr Kunal Khemnarji


( Municipal Commissioner–PMC / info@punecorporation.org / aaaddmcgoffice@punecorporation.org )



What For ?


For using AI technology to deliver better / cleaner city to Pune citizen



How ?


Here is that report :


PMC to use AI to resolve garbage dumping in open   /   Eco Times  /  05 Nov 2021

Extract :


The Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) plans to use artificial intelligence to resolve civic issues


The Pune civic administration has carried out a pilot project to deal with problems like dumping of garbage at Yerawda


The civic body has identified 150 public spots, where dumping is rampant. The civic body intends to fine errant citizens defacing public places, using AI

Officials said that the Civic body plans to use,


#   Data Analytics,


#   AI 


#   Machine Learning ( ML ) ,


#   Satellite Imagery, and


#   e-Governance,


-       to regularize Property Tax , Illegal Constructions etc


Kunal Khemnar, additional commissioner, PMC, said that the chronic spots would be identified using TECHNOLOGY


He said that a Software has been developed keeping a watch on garbage disposal.


The spots identified using Satellite Images would be cross verified by staffers


The offenders would be identified with the help of  CCTV footages. They will be fined


The PMC plans to take the help of TECHNOLOGY to collect Property Tax


Even the properties out of the tax ambit will be added into the tax net using TECHNOLOGY





Dear Dr Kemnarji,



Congratulations for demonstrating to City Municipal Councillors all over India, how they too can leverage TECHNOLOGY for making their towns / cities, SMART


One of the major problems facing the citizens, is encroachment of footpaths, forcing them to walk on the roads and endangering their lives, apart from slowing down the vehicular traffic


I urge you to examine the feasibility of my suggestion, sent through my following e-mail :


Ø Algorithm based Salary ?.................. [ 19 May 2016 ]


Extract :


Leaving aside the last question, technically it is not all that difficult to monitor those footpaths, 24 hours of the day


Mumbai Police is installing some 2,000 CCTV cameras all over the city to capture the terrorists


London has 500,000 CCTV cameras to cover every nook and corner, 24 hours !


So monitoring footpaths of Mumbai, by installing 50,000 CCTV cameras, on 24 hour basis, is not a problem


After installing those 50,000 video cameras, use following software embedded in a computerized CCTV network ) to compute the monthly salary of each ward officer :



Salary Payable / Payroll Salary  =



( Length of footpath in his ward, clear of encroachment  x  Percentage of time free of encroachment )


      divided by 


( Total Length of footpath x  Total Hours in that Month )

ie :  Ratio of 


" Clear Kilometer*Hours  /  Total Kilometer*Hours "



Then expect a miracle of E-Governance thru innovative digitization !


Remember , Algorithms are transparent / unbiased / impartial , unlike human beings  !



With regards,


Hemen Parekh / hcp@RecruitGuru.com / 06 Nov 2021



Related Readings :


UN Says : Make Polluters Pay ………………[ 03 Nov 2021 ]


Taxing the Polluters ……………………………….[ 25 Feb 2021 ]


Gadkariji : Green Tax is Good ……………….[ 26 Jan 2021 ]     

Pigovian Tax for Polluters ? …………………….[ 03 April 2019 ]

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