Kishan ,
Yesterday I tried generating some 8 / 10 blogs using Genie
Following my immediate / first feedback :
( 1 ) Title of the blog
Ø As far as possible, restrict it to no more than 5 words/ ideally 3 words
( 2 ) Comments by ChatGPT
Ø Eliminate it altogether
( 3 ) Formatting
Ø Keep double spacing between lines and FOUR spaces between paragraphs. I realize that whereas this may improve the presentation but it will still require me to do some tweaking after copy / pasting in the DASHBOARD of
( 4 ) Fonts
Ø If possible, use VERDANA / 8
( 5 ) My Take / Extract
Ø As per Blog Format ( hand written Process Flow Diagram ) sent to you on 27 Feb . this para ( with heading “ My Take “ ) comes immediately after “ Extract from the Article “ ) . Pl keep this SEQUENCE .
Ø This para starts with ( A ) Name of one ( or more ) of my RELEVANT old blog ( hyperlinked ) AND right below , some sentences / paras from that OLD BLOG , which REINFORCE my suggestions in respect of the problem expressed in the newspaper article.
Ø Idea to be conveyed to the readers is > “ Hey , look at what I thought of / suggested about this problem , 3 / 5 / 7 years ago . I had told you so ! I had seen this coming . I had offered a solution re this “
Placing those OLD BLOG NAMES ( linked ) at this STAGE , will eliminate REPEATING the same under “ Relevant Readings “ para at the bottom of the blog . This ( “ Relevant Readings “ ) para should incorporate any OTHER blogs on the same subject ( obviously LESS RELEVANT ) which I may have written on the subject . If there are none worth listing , skip this para ( at the bottom of the blog ) altogether
( 6 ) Call to Action
Ø Whereas , on many occasions , this may be addressed to citizens at large or a specific group of Professionals such as > Politicians – Economists – Journalists – Scientists etc. , wherever we are able to identify a SPECIFIC authority ( Eg; MNRE Minister / Commerce Minister ) , or a PERSON ( may be whose name appears in the news article ) , then in such cases, we should SHARPLY address that person. You may also notice that dozens of my blogs are titled “ Thank You , Shri XYZ “
Once you have carried out these changes ( how long ? ) , please take up the following ( priority wise ) :
( A ) Automatic posting in ( through Blgger Dashboard )
( B ) Uploading on Big Rock Server Database
( C ) Uploading on ( to add to knowledge base / Memory Blocks )
( D ) Uploading on Linkedin ( under “ Write Article “ )
( E ) Posting a short summary ( due to character limitation ) on FB
( F ) Posting Blog hyperlink on Twitter
( G ) Posting SUMMARY , with hyperlink , on my Youtube Channel
( H ) Extracting from a newly generated blog , 5 TOPICS and 25 QUESTIONS ( 5 questions per topic ) and adding up on ( through dashboard )
( I ) Given a SET of ( say , 1000 ) topics , a sider to search websites of 6 e-Newspapers ( we will subscribe ), and bring back links to news articles and display on the U / I of Blog Genie ( on left TOP side ). I can click those links , read the article and IF found suitable, be able to “ transfer “ ( drag ? ) to Blog Genie to generate a new blog
PS :
Would it at all be possible for me to just click “ Send E MAIL “ button , whereby Blog Genie will send out new blog as email to pre-decided persons / groups ?
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