Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Sunday 19 November 2023

New Project / www.Personal.ai / Uploading documents from my Blogger Site




I expect this to be a very interesting / exciting project



Object :



First Phase : Target :  30 days ( 18 Nov )


To create my PERSONAL AI , using www.personal.ai website , where I have already registered



Second Phase when this website enables ) :


Using the MEMORIES ( my digital content – which is, mainly on my blogging site ), to create my 3D Volumetric Digital AVATAR , which will “ live on “ , long after I am gone , AND engage in a CONVERSATION / CHAT with people , using my own face ( photo-real ) and my own voice ( if this works well for me , all of you should start compiling your own digital content, right away ! )






Ø  To copy all of my written ( typed ) texts from my blogger site and paste the same ( one at a time ) in relevant U/I of www.personal.ai ( Vishesh did a few yesterday and will give a demo to Sanjivani , this morning )

Ø  This site also accepts “ images ( photos ? ) but does not accept videos ( that rules out my Video-Audio recitals of poems or current Video Poems which Sanjivani is uploading )

Ø  This site accepts AUDIO RECORDINGS ( my own voice , I suppose ) / I will do it





Ø  Nirmit suggested that Tushar and Vilas ( and Dilip ? ) can do this since the job involves simple COPY / PASTE ( from my site to their site ) . They would be required to spend as much time as they can spare , in order to complete the process by 18 Nov





Ø  Sanjivani will do this and allocate / assign to Tushar / Vilas, what documents will be uploaded by whom. In this regard, I am sending a separate mail to Sanjivani

Ø  Sanjivani will , whenever needed, seek help / guidance from Vishesh / Elton ( who will coordinate with Suman of Personal.ai , whenever required )

Ø  Sanjivani will also send me a DAILY PROGRESS REPORT of how many documents got uploaded by whom , ( daily and cumulatively )




Ø  To be provided by Sandeep


If anyone has any questions / need any clarifications , do not hesitate to phone me






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