Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Friday 17 November 2023

DEAR SHRI PIYUSH GOYALJI : here is Source-code for Business-to-Business Portal

 Shri Goyalji : here is Source-code for Business-to-Business Portal



It is absolutely free ( and with no obligations )


Using this, you can launch a Business-to-Business portal, within a month !



Where did I get the idea that Goyalji wants to launch a B2B portal ?

Here is that news report :


Services exports to touch $ 1  Trillion by 2030 : Goyal   /  Business  Line  /  10 Nov 2021


Extract :


Goyal suggested the industry focus on areas like online delivery of services, reach out to bodies of professional services abroad for mutual recognition agreements, and give proper feedback for free-trade pacts and a dynamic business-to-business portal.

The services sector provides employment to nearly 2.6 crore people and contributes about 40 per cent to India’s total global exports. India is the seventh largest services exporter in the world. In 2020–21, Indian services exports were valued at $ 206 billion.



OK, so may be Shri Goyal wants some Industry Body ( FICCI ? ASSOCHAM ? CII ? NASSCOM ? ), to launch such a portal



So, where do I come into this picture ?


Around 2014, I had designed / got developed ( at a cost of Rs 5 lakhs ) and launched ( and then de-hosted ) :




What were the main features of that B2B portal ?


It enabled registered businesses to :


#  compose their “ Business Messages “ ( any number ) and store these online


#  Search/Select, any no of “sets” of TARGET INDIAN COMPANIES( from 2.8 lakh in 380 cities / 52 industries )


#  Search / Select, any no of “sets” of CHAMBERS of COMMERCES ( from 5332 cities around the World )


#  With just ONE CLICKsend ( e-mail ) message to any one or a SET ( of Companies or Chambers )




Did I approach the Central Government for any support / collaboration ?




In fact, on 05 Sept 2015 in Mumbai, I gave a DEMO of this portal to Shri Amitabh Kant ( who, at that time, was Secretary –DIPP and had just launched MakeInIndia campaign / portal )


Shri Kant was highly impressed with my B2B portal and was fully supportive, but for some reasons, my collaboration proposal could not go through

( a small part of our exchanges at INVITING 8 MILLION FOREIGN COMPANIES ? )


What do I propose now ?


I urge Shri Goyalji

officeofmr@gov.in / piyush.goyal@gov.in )


[ A ]

  To get an idea of its working, take a look at the screen-shots of  B2BmessageBlaster at following links :

    > https://web.archive.org/web/20170103121808/http://b2bmessageblaster.com:80/

    > https://web.archive.org/web/20170226230918/http://www.b2bmessageblaster.com/

    > https://web.archive.org/web/20140517012616/http://b2bmessageblaster.com/

    > https://web.archive.org/web/20140602054855/http://www.b2bmessageblaster.com:80/

    > https://web.archive.org/web/20160110084556/http://b2bmessageblaster.com/

    > https://web.archive.org/web/20160601180313/http://www.b2bmessageblaster.com:80/


[ B ]


  If satisfied, motivate ASSOCHAM or FICCI or CII or NASSCOM, to download the source-code from the

  following link and hurry-up to launch the B2B portal


  ( of course, they will need to compile the latest DATABASES for integrating with the Source-Code )






Dear Shri Goyalji,


If I could help launch B2B portal in any way, it would be my privilege


Person mandated to implement this project, could feel free to reach me on hcp@RecruitGuru.com



With regards,


Hemen Parekh


www.hemenparekh.in  /  11 Nov 2021







Shri Harshvardhan Neotia ( President, FICCI / hneotia@ambujaneotia.com )


Shri Vineet Agarwal ( President, ASSOCHAM / vineet.agarwal@tcil.com / assocham@nic.in )


Shri T V Narendran ( President, CII / narendran@tatasteel.com / mdoffice@tatasteel.com )


Smt Debjani Ghosh ( President, NASSCOM / debjani@nasscom.in )




Related Readings :


Ø BACK FACTORY " OF THE WORLD ? …………………………….[ 09 Sept 2015 ]


Ø Brain Inc 2.0     …………………………………………………. 21  Aug  2017  ]     


Ø Leveraging our Engineering Talent ……………………………………..[ 13 Dec 2018 ]


Ø Towards Nasscom 2.0……………………………………………………………[ 31 Aug 2019 ]


Ø Seize this Opportunity : FAST…………………………………………….. [ 17 May 2020 ]


Ø IT Outsourcing : a Silver lining ?..................................... [ 11 Nov 2020 ]


Ø “ Distributist “ Economy ?............................................... [ 05 Jan 2021 ]


Ø Gig Economy:A New Name for Self-Employment/Entrepreneurship ? [ 09 Mar 2021 ]


Ø Maadhyam : Gateway of ( Business ) India…………………………… [ 22 July 2021 ]

      Extract :


      #  In my view proposed portal MADHYAM should host such a database of Indian


          Companies and incorporate a “ Multi- Way Communication “ feature ( between


          Foreign Investors / Shortlisted Indian Companies / related Govt Agencies  )


     #  This (feature) could be in line with the following links


        ( www.B2BmessageBlaster.com ) 


        which I had launched in 2015 and later de-hosted ( a demo was given to Shri

        Amitabh Kant in Mumbai on 05 Sept 2015 )


               Dear Shri Piyush Goyalji,


              As repeatedly offered in the past, I would be happy to hand-over the source-code of 

        www.B2BmessageBlaster.com ,

        to your Ministry which is developing MAADHYAM ( absolutely FREE and without any obligation what-

        so-ever )


       At this stage ( before launch of MAADHYAM ), it would be highly desirable to ask :


      #   Is it not too cumbersome – and expensive – to maintain THREE different

           portals on the same  / similar / complimentary subject ( and duplicating

            some information ) ?

       #   Will we end up confusing Foreign Investors by trying to simultaneously

            promote 3 different portals on the same / similar subject ?

       #   Is it too late to consider merging / consolidating, all three portals, in

             order to make this a truly SINGLE VIRTUAL ENTRANCE to India ?


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