Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Friday 17 November 2023


 Every Hair on your body gets an IP Address ?



Context :

India Sets New Deadline For Upgrading Internet Protocol To IPv6. Here's Why It Matters     

India Times  /  06 Nov 2021


Extract :

India's Department of Telecom has set December 2022 as the deadline for internet service providers (ISPs) to

make changes to their network, including upgrading modem and routers for customers as required by the latest internet protocol " IPv6."

Now, June 30, 2022 is the last date for government organisations to complete the transition to IPv6, the most recent version of " Internet Protocol ", news agency PTI reported. 

The communication protocol (IPv6) is responsible for providing identification and local system for computers on different networks, while also enabling the movement of traffic on the internet.

“All new retail wire-line customer connections provided by service providers after December 31, 2022, shall be capable of carrying IPv6 traffic either on dual stack on native IPv6,” a government memo said.

To ensure easy connectivity, the DoT had released the first two roadmaps for the initial rollout of IPv6 in the country back in 2010 and 2012. Unlike the old version (IPv4), the new protocol can grant several trillions of unique internet addresses. The old generation had a limit of 3 billion IP addresses.


Amid the on-going growth in number of devices that are now connected to the internet in India, the upgrade to IPv6 has been due for a long time. For private customers and entities, the deadline to upgrade to IPv6 is December 31, 2022.


“The service providers shall endeavour to progressively replace / upgrade the CPEs ( customer premise equipment) which are not IPv6 ready and are owned by service providers latest by December 31, 2022,” the DOT memo was quoted as saying by PTI.


Out of all the IPv6 addresses around the globe, India has a share of 50 per cent. 







[ A ]………. DOWNSIDE of IPv6



Combined with 5G, this arrival of IPv6 could well drive the last nail in the coffin of PRIVACY


The number of IP addresses is : 2 x ( 10 ) raised to the power of 128 ( forget about counting zeros ! )


Here is how :


Ø (  A – 1 )   Disruption : The Inevitable……………………….[ 08 July 2018 ]


Extract :


But what happens when 10,000 items in my home ( from door handles  to every ball pen to every piece of currency note in my home ), gets a IP V 6.0 internet connection ( there will be 50,000 trillions available per person )  ?


Each of those items will form a part of Internet of Things [ IoT ] and will be capable of transmitting CONTENT ( voice – data – images ) , all over the World


And they won’t need ANY LICENSE from anybody !


What will that do to the Telecom / ISP  ?



Ø ( A – 2 )   Help ! please , rescue me ! ………………….[ 08 Aug 2016 ]


Extract :




Scientists are developing a novel technology for smart clothes that would contact charity shops or auction web sites like eBay when they are not worn regularly





Researchers from Birmingham City University plan to create an " Internet of Clothes " that tags garments using washable contactless technology , known as Radio Frequency Identification ( RFID )





Researchers said, users can now move away from the idea of ownership of clothing, to use them as long as they need them





Step # 1  : Users will receive a tweet and message every day from the clothing asking to be worn


Step # 2  : Forgotten items in the wardrobe will text owners to remind them they are gathering dust


Step # 3  : If the notifications are ignored by the user, the garments will get in touch with a clothing charity



Report in newspaper " Business Line "  adds :


" Think of the surprise when an owner suddenly receives bids for items they did not know were in their wardrobe "



Of course, WiFi sensor embedded ( with  IPv6 / IoT connected ) smart clothes could also have a huge UPSIDE


These clothes can, 24 x 7, relay your HEALTH PARAMETERS to your doctor / your hospital and to the Central Server of Ayushman Bharat !  This can save millions of deaths through timely treatment



Ø ( A – 3 )   Dangerous ? Orwellian ? Stringent ? …….  (  11  Dec  2019  )


Extract :


Ø What will remain “ private “ when IP V 6.0 arrives , when EVERY single object on your body ( and in your immediate surrounding ) , gets a unique URL number and captures your voice / movement / intentions on 24*365 basis and relays that DATA to the BIG BROTHER ?


        ( Ans : Nothing ! )



[ B  ]   UPSIDE of IPv6



A rapid introduction of IPv6 could help us calculate the actual electricity consumed by each and every device / gadget / instrument / appliance / machine etc., by embedding appropriate SENSORS , transmitting this energy consumption data to any server ( via electric meters, since all electricity measuring meters will also be IoT connected SMART METERS )


Government of India ( Ministry of Power / Ministry of Industry / Ministry of Commerce ? ) must enact a law which would require manufacturers of all electrically powered device, to :


Ø Be embedded with its own / unique IPv6 address ( IoT connected / 5G enabled )

Ø Be embedded by SENSORS to measure energy consumption

Ø Transmit such consumption data to Smart Electric Meter


Here are the details :


  Carbon Finance through Carbon Credits……………………… ( 12 Mar 2021 )


 Extract :

Ø  Here is a partial list of domestic appliances which consume electricity ( apart from LED bulbs ) :

TV sets – Refrigerators – Air Conditioners – Fans – Deep Freezers – Ovens – Electric Stoves – Mixers – Computers – Cloths Washing Machines – Dish Washers – Radios – Tablets – Robotic Floor Sweepers – Massagers – etc


Ø  By 2030, all of these must be made “ Energy Efficient Appliances “ , certified by Bureau of Energy Efficiency [ BEE ]


Ø  Just as was done in respect of ICE vehicles ( BS IV > BS VI compliance ), all electric Appliance Manufacturers must be mandated to switch over to manufacture of only BEE certified appliances in 4 phases ( April 2022 – 24 – 26- 28 )


Ø  Each such appliance MUST be pre-installed / integrated with SENSORS which will continuously monitor its,

#   State of Usage ( ON or OFF )

#   Rate of Consumption of electricity ( Units )


These INTERNET-CONNECTED appliances will continuously relay / transmit these data to the SMART ELECTRIC METER installed in each home


In turn, each SMART METER will relay / transmit to concerned DISCOM ( and to any other specified govt agency servers ), such usage / consumption data, through Internet ( IoT / Internet of Everything ).


These data-transfer will be separate for EACH INDIVIDUAL APPLIANCE


This will enable DISCOM / concerned Agencies, to know / monitor, IN-EFFICIENT appliances, operating above the CERTIFIED THRESHOLD for each type of appliance


Appliances operating “ above “ the threshold, will be assigned / allotted “ CARBON DEBITS “ , whereas those operating “ below “ the threshold, will be assigned “ CARBON CREDITS “


If the NET of these two is POSITIVE ( + ), that home will be incentivized by a lower tariff – and vice-versa


This model ( of INCENTIVIZATION ) must be further strengthened by measuring the amount of ROOF TOP Solar Power , flowing into the SMART METER , with appropriate linkages to CARBON CREDIT


This linkage will motivate a large number of households to install ROOF TOP solar panels


This scheme will enable us to take the CARBON MARKET / CARBON CREDIT / CARBON FINANCE concept, right inside our 290 MILLION households !


Ø  All manufacturers of House-hold Electric Meters must be told to manufacture only SMART ELECTRIC METERS , starting April 2022


Ø  All DISCOMS to replace existing meters in each and every home, with a SMART METER, by April 2024


This is only a CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK whose details are not difficult to work out


Related Readings :



Number of IoT devices per Household  


Number of IoT devices per Person  




2020…………  3.96





Dear ,



Ø Shri R K Singhji

Ø Shri Ashwini Vaishnawji



Ø Shri Rajeev Chandrasekharji


Ø Shri Piyush Goyalji



Ø Shri Bhupendra Yadavji.


This is India’s chance to lead the World in its effort to keep Global Warming below 1.5 * C


What I have suggested above is no Rocket Science


Even then, if you have any reservations re technical feasibility of my suggestions, I urge you to refer it to those 3 TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEES of the Govt ., for their evaluation / comments



With regards,


Hemen Parekh  /  hcp@RecruitGuru.com  /  10 Nov 2021


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