Dear Mr Mishra
Thank you for sending your resume
Once you have registered on there is no need for you to visit any
jobsite – not even ours !
Here is why :
Ø We,
aggregate / compile / collect,
job-advertisements from several websites. So, you get to see these all,
at a single location – our website.
Ø You
don’t need a PC/Internet connection in order to search suitable jobs – then
find one [ after hours ] and then apply
Ø Everyday,
we “match” your resume with 200,000 job advts. & create “ My Job Alert “ page of 50
perfectly-matched jobs (max )
Ø To see
these jobs, from your mobile, send SMS :
jam<space>alert …. to ……
Ø If you
wish to see details of any particular job, send following SMS :
jam<space>detail<space>job no …
to … 9756510001
Ø If you
want to apply for that job, send following SMS :
jam<space>apply<space>job no
… to ..
That’s all !
Within seconds, your resume will get emailed to advertiser.
Repeat this process again and again till you have seen
all matched jobs. Some old jobs expire and new jobs get added everyday.
Why do you need PC/Internet when all that you need is
your mobile ?
Why should you spend Rs.15/hr at a Cybercafé when you can
use our FREE service ?
And there is no reason why you cannot search jobs / apply
from your office [ boss notwithstanding ! ].
Do share with friends your unique “ Job Search Game “ .
Good luck.
hemen parekh
Jobs for All
= Peace on
-----Original Message-----
From: sachchidanand mishra []
Sent: Tuesday, March 29, 2011 10:03 AM
Subject: sachidanand mishra
I am looking for a job
related to computer hardware
& networking as mention in my resume
So ,please Replay
Thanking you