Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Wednesday 1 November 2023

Thank You, Shri Gehlotji


Thank You, Shri Gehlotji



What for ?

For accepting my 6 year old suggestion for retrofitting of old Petrol / Diesel vehicles 

( Although my suggestion was to rero-fit with a brand new BS VI compliant ICE engine )


Where did you read this ?

Delhi allows EV retrofitting of diesel cars, SUVs older than 10 years / Auto Car / 21 Nov 2021

Extract :

Recently, Delhi Transport Minister Kailash Gahlot confirmed that diesel vehicles older than 10 years can continue to be used in the National Capital Region (NCR) provided that they are converted to run on electric power.

Gahlot took to Twitter to announce that Delhi is now open the retrofitting of internal-combustion engine (ICE) cars with electric power


What was your suggestion ?

Here are my e-mails :


[ A ]       PIYUSH PLAN ?............................... [ 27 March 2016 ]

Extract :

DISPOSAL  OF  EXISTING  VEHICLES ( 200 million + produced till 2030 )


*  Enable / encourage MSME units to carry out " Retro Fitting " of existing vehicles



[ B ]      Better Late than Never !..................... [ 01 Nov 2018 ]


Extract :

Why scrap entire vehicle  ?  Why not retrofit  ?


 In an OLD vehicle,


  #   Only “ Polluting Sub Assembly “ is the ENGINE


   #   Other “ Non-Polluting Sub Assemblies “ are :  Body – Chasis – Transmission

        – Tyres etc


 So , why SCRAP those non-polluting parts ?


 Why not just scrap the old engine and retro-fit the vehicle with a brand NEW engine ( BS VI compliant )  ?


 That will mean re-utilizing some 80 % of the asset and , at the same time getting rid of the air pollution !



Did you raise any OTHER ISSUES in respect of OLD vehicles ?



In this e-mail, I have sought Govt clarifications in respect of :

   #   Ownership of old vehicles

   #   Storage of old vehicles

   #   Cost of towing away and storage

   #   Disposal

   #   Impact on Employment

   #   Supreme Court of New Delhi  ?


With regards,

Hemen Parekh / hcp@RecruitGuru.com / 04 Jan 2022


Related Readings :


A Brief History of Electric Vehicles in India …. ( As on 31 Jan 2021 )

 ………………………………………… [  27  March  2016  ]


Retiring Old Vehicles - Gadkari Style ? ………. [  30  May   2016   ]


Young or Old ?  ………………………………………………[  27  Aug  2016    ]


From OLD to NEW ?  No , go NEWER !  ……….[  22  Sept   2016   ]


Building Castles in the Air ?   ………………………..[  12  March  2017  ]


Best out of a Bad Bargain ?  ………………………….[  29  March  2017  ]


Car Grave-Yard of World ?  ……………………………[    14  Feb  2018    ]


One door closes  ;  Another opens   ……………..[   27  Feb  2018     ]


Mahindra Accelo : Saluting a pioneer  …………..[  19  June  2018    ]


Scrapping Old Vehicles : Swiss Challenge Solution  [  24  July  2018  ]

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