Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Friday 17 November 2023

FW: 💌 Personal.ai Newsletter: My Personal AI (suman.personal.ai)

 At one place, Suman writes :



“  And if it feels like building your Memory Stack is slow, we are working on multiple ways to instantly stack some of your  historical data  (like Google Docs, gMail, Twitter and more). “



Since my Outlook a / c , is already synced / merged with my G-Mail a/c, does this mean that all the emails which I have sent to outsiders ( using Outlook ), , over past  15 years, can be , instantly uploaded into my Memory Stack , when they release this upgrade ?



If so , this could go a long way to build up a HUGE memory stack , in matter of minutes !




In his last e mail to us, he has already written :


“  RE: Twitter: Twitter will be available built-in in next week's upgrade. You will see emails notifying this. This will sync automatically all the tweets and any new tweets as they come in.”


This means, by end of next week , Sanjivani should be able to upload my 5,000 + past tweets , and add to Memory Stack, in a matter of minutes !




“  RE: Facebook and Linkedin: These are not yet on the roadmap. Likely late 2022. “




Blogger :


As far as instantaneous uploading of my 2500 + blogs ( in one GO ) is concerned, Vishesh tells me :


As mentioned by Suman in his last email , we need to get some SOFTWARE DEVELOPER to write a brief piece of code , ( presumably ) which we can then “ paste “ into Personal.ai’s API


Yesterday, Vishesh has already spoken to his friend Shuklendu Baji ( Owner – Sentient Systems – Malad ) , who has , in the past , developed a couple of our job portals


To day , I will send an email to Shuklendu , explaining what we desire and await his response



But, of course, without waiting for any outcome of this effort  , Sanjivani will go ahead and get Tushar / Dilip to start COPY / PASTE , contents from our blogger site










From: Suman Kanuganti [mailto:suman@personal.ai]
Sent: 23 October 2021 08:00
To: hcp@recruitguru.com
Subject: ðŸ’Œ Personal.ai Newsletter: My Personal AI (suman.personal.ai)


This week, instead of the usual tutorial, we wanted to show you something more memorable. As we meet new customers, my team and I are always

Personal AI

Hi Hemen,

This week, instead of the usual tutorial, we wanted to show you something more memorable.


As we meet new customers, my team and I are always trying our best to explain their personal AI's capabilities and potential. By design, everyone starts with a blank AI – unbiased but also untrained. However, that makes it feel like what we're showing are just promises and pipe dreams. But it isn't! Even though not everything is ready yet, I believe that what my personal AI can do so far and what it has done for me is amazing. So, I’m going to show you a few things about MY personal AI (suman.personal.ai).


My personal AI was created on May 27th, 2020, approximately six months before the open beta. Ever since it was possible, I've been stacking my meetings with the team, discussions that happen at my desk, and just my own thoughts. Today, I'm close to having 50,000 Memory Blocks. These are recordings and transcriptions of things I said more than one year ago that I would never remember on my own – things as important as our investor pitch preparation and as mundane as what we had for lunch. Even if some might not find it all useful, I'm glad my personal AI captured all those memories.

Suman's Personal AI showing his memory block count at 48,786

But they aren’t just a messy pile of words. My memories are categorized by time, topic, keywords and more. And because my Google Calendar is linked to my personal AI, my memories are also associated with the people I talked to. For example, here’s my first Memory Block this year with Kristie Kaiser, our Head of Design. We were ramping back up from the Holidays, and I was excited about the company’s future for this year! I found this Memory Block, not by scrolling through 50,000 of them, but with 1 Recall from our Predict feature: “I spoke with kristie@hu.man.ai first time this January.” From there, my personal AI showed me all my memories associated with Kristie starting with the first one.

The Personal.ai App showing Suman's Memory Blocks using AI search

This is just a snapshot of what my personal AI can do for now, and we want everyone’s personal AI to do so much more. If you’re reading this, it means you’ve joined us on our journey, and we thank you for it. 

To our many new AI creators, if you’re just starting to train your personal AI and you feel like you don’t know when or what to stack, my advice is just to stack every time you can. We always have that moment when we wish we were capturing, and now you have that opportunity. And if it feels like building your Memory Stack is slow, we are working on multiple ways to instantly stack some of your historical data (like Google Docs, gMail, Twitter and more).

Link apps screen with Google Calendar and Twitter

I hope that you now have a better idea of your personal AI’s potential. If you have more questions or comments, please get in touch with us at team@personal.ai or join our Discord community to discuss directly with the team and other AI creators.

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Friday at 2PM PDT

Personal.ai Weekly Founder Hour

This week, Co-Founder Sharon Zhang (CTO) talks about the past, present, and future of AI: “From the Turing Test to Consumer AI: The Future of AI/UX. She discusses the history of AIs and their limitations through the years. She also provides insights into designing UX with Kristie Kaiser (Head of Design) for AIs and how they work together to bring tech closer to users.


You can hear all about it on this week’s Founder Hour this Friday, October 22nd, at 2 PM PDT, on Clubhouse. You can also read her summary in her Medium blog post.

From the Turing Test to Consumer AI: The Future of AI/UX

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Hoping to see you at this week’s Founder Hour talk.

Have a nice weekend and see you next week!



Founder and CEO of Personal.ai

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Personal.ai, 8910 University Center Lane, Suite 660, San Diego, CA 92122

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