Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Friday 17 November 2023


 Suman / Kristie,


Thought you might like my following blog







From: Hemen Parekh [mailto:hcp@recruitguru.com]

Sent: 30 October 2021 12:32



Cabinet July 2021; rajyasabha1_2020; rajyasabha2_2020; loksabha1_2020; loksabha2_2020; loksabha3_2020; Chief Minister 2021; BJP National Executive; Editors; TV Anchors; Business Leader; Indian Think Tanks; TIMESjourno; amitabh.kant@nic.invch-niti@gov.infmo@nic.incea@nic.inbibek.debroy@gov.invan@ifmr.ac.ineam@mea.gov.indrjitendras@gmail.commoshealth.akc@gov.inalav@ias.nic.incm@karnataka.gov.in; CM Mah; office@rahulgandhi.inkc.venugopal@sansad.nic.inkcvenugopal.org@gmail.comgkishanreddy@yahoo.comtc.gehlot@sansad.nic.in; niti; hardeepsinghpuri@yahoo.comnitin.gadkari@nic.ind.pradhan@sansad.nic.inassocham@nic.ininfo@cii.inHm.moca@nic.inprahladp@sansad.nic.insundeep.oberoi@yahoo.comnaveen.chaudhary@nfsu.ac.inpp_amritha@cb.amrita.eduashwing@iitb.ac.in







Meta-Verse : a later day “ Chakra-Vyuh “ ?



Epic battle of Mahabharat was fought by the Kaurava and the Pandava, some 5,000 years ago


It lasted for 18 days before Kaurava got defeated


On one day, the Kaurava configured their army in a “ Chakra-Vyuh “, with their leader in the centre , surrounded by many intricate / converging layers of soldiers


Abhimanyu ( son of Pandava leader Arjun ) had learned ( while still in his mother’s womb ), how to penetrate a Chakra-Vyuh


But, for some reason, he could not / did not, learn the science of :


“ Having once entered, how to retreat / get out of Chakra-Vyuh 



Despite knowing his vulnerability, Abhimanyu entered the Chakra-Vyuh – and got killed



After 5,000 years, some 3 Billion users of Facebook, are about to enter a similar Chakra-Vyuh, going by the name :




They know that, once entered, they will never be able to come out of Meta-Verse ! Trapped for life ! Exposed for rest of their lives !



Context :

FB changes name to embrace virtual reality  /  Yahoo Finance  /   30  Oct  2021



Extract :


“The metaverse is the next frontier,” Chief Executive Officer Mark Zuckerberg


In Meta’s vision, people will congregate and communicate by entering virtual environments, whether they’re talking with colleagues in a boardroom or hanging out with friends in far-flung corners of the world.


The erstwhile Facebook is hoping to parlay its social-media user base, comprising more than 3 billion people globally, into an audience that will embrace immersive digital experiences through devices powered by augmented and virtual reality software


Building out the metaverse will also allow Meta to reduce its dependency on mobile operating-system and browser makers such as Google and Apple Inc. to deliver services to consumers







This is playing out as envisaged in


Supremely Satisfactory …………………[ 27 Oct 2021 ]

  >    A Greed-Ship named Facebook …………….[ 21 Sept 2020 ]

The Hidden Agenda of Tech Giants Gatekeepers [ 17 Oct 2020 ]

Ban ? How many things ? …………………[ 31 Dec 2019 ]

Dangerous ? Orwellian ? Stringent ?..... [ 11 Dec 2019 ]

Data becomes an Air Molecule…………….. [ 30 July 2019 ]

Data Privacy Law : a Pandora’s Box ? …..[ 15 July 2018 ]

Facebook  :  The  Formidable ………………..[ 27 Apr 2018 ]

Facebook   Replies ………………………………….[ 29 Mar 2018 ]


Beaten  by  Facebook  …………………………….[ 21 Mar 2018 ]


Wherefore Art Thou, O Romeo ?............. [ 20 Sept 2017 ]


Artificial Intelligence:Destroyer of Privacy? [ 26 July 2017 ]


Delusion of Privacy ?............................. [ 10 June 2017 ]




Dear Shri Ashwini Vaishnawji / Shri Rajeev Chandrasekharji,


You cannot stop the tide from rolling in


By this time next year, AR / VR glasses of not only Facebook but of dozens of other companies ( including , Indian companies like JIO ? ), will be freely available in India


All promising “ instant / real-time access “ to an ( unreal / augmented ? ) world


Each of these devices, will be transmitting (24 x 7) a LIFE-MOVIE of, not only the wearer of the device but also of all the persons “ watched “ using these devices, to


  #   The device manufacturers

  #   ISPs

  #   Owners of Operating Systems

       ( JIO-GOOGLE NEXT phone is  expected to be based on a Reliance-owned OS called, PRAGATI )

  #   Anyone willing to pay a price for such personal / demographic data,  etc



None of these entities are going to take any permission from anyone ( includes Govts ) for such a surrogate snooping / surveillance


Will this future render proposed DATA PROTECTION LAW, “ dead on arrival “ ?


With regards,


Hemen Parekh / hcp@RecruitGuru.com / 30 Oct 2021





Members of PEGASUS expert committee :


 #  National Forensic Sciences University’s dean Naveen Kumar Chaudhary

      [ naveen.chaudhary@nfsu.ac.in ]



 #  Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham’s professor Prabaharan P

            pp_amritha@cb.amrita.edu ]


 #   IIT-Bombay professor Ashwin Anil Gumaste

            [ ashwing@iitb.ac.in ]


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