Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Friday 17 November 2023


 Employment Policy ?  Committed to a Committee ?



Context :

Committee for National Employment Policy soon   /  Eco  Times  /  25 Oct 2021



Extract :


The government will soon set up a committee to frame India's first National Employment Policy with an aim to significantly push up employment generation in the country.


My Take :



[ A ]


Fast Backwards 4 years :


National employment policy on the cards in budget 2018   /  Money Control / 15 Dec 2017

Extract :

The government in the next budget might introduce a national employment policy outlining a comprehensive blueprint to generate quality jobs in every industry.

[ B ]


And 4 days ago :

Ø Birth of a David ? ………………………………………[ 27 Oct 2021 ]


[ C ]


Over the past few years, I have sent following e-mail to our Policy Makers :

National Jobs Policy : Treasure Hunt ……………………….[ 15 Dec 2017 ]


-     Where I listed my following e-mails :


-     1)      Budget Suggest - 2017



-     2)      In A State Of Denial ?


-     3)      Taxing Times For Robots ?


-     4)      Discovering The Obvious ?


-     5)      Employment : Measuring Vs Creating


-     6)      Here Is A Clue : Get Out Of Their Way !


-     7)      Ideas To Create Jobs


-     8)      Who Will Obsolete Whom ?


-     9)      Automation Is Inescapable


-     10)     In Wonderland Of Start-Ups


-     11)     Shop Open 24 / 7 ? Can Be A Game Changer !


-     12)     Progress : Of A Doubtful Kind ?


-     13)     Easier Said Than Done !


-     14)     Will Holograms Beat H1bVisa Ban ?


-     15)     Incentivizing Employment?


-     16)     Create Wealth To Create Jobs


-     17)     Fiscal Deficit  & Indian Economy ?


-     18)     Create    Self - Employment


-     19)     Baby Steps Won’t Do !


-     20)     A Ticking Time-Bomb ?


-     21)     Re-Skilling ? Can You Be Specific ?


-     22)     Quarterly Labour Survey :A Still-Born Child ?


-     23)     How About Virtual Call Centers ?


-     24)     A Freebie That Cannot Be Faulted ?


-     25)     Advantage , Incumbent ?


-     26)     How Much Capital To Create One Job ?


-     27)     Credible Data On Job Creation ? Here Is How


-     28)     Tomorrow's Headlines Today ?


-     29)     Everything Else Being Equal


-     30)     Missing The Woods For The Tree ?


-     31)     The Next Simplification :Arm ?


-     32)    Universal Basic Income


-     33)    Who  Will create  Jobs  ?


-     34)     How To Break The Vicious Circle ?


-     35)     Annual Employment Survey?


-     36)     Prioritising Is  Not  Easy  !


-     37)     Monitoring Is Even More Difficult  !


-     38)     From Bad To Mad


-     39)     Ready To Be Ridiculed


-     40)    Who Is Clueless ?


[ D ]


Dear Ministers for :


Ø Social Justice and Empowerment

Ø Human Resources

Ø Labour


The proposal to bring in a dedicated National Employment Policy ( NEP ), was first mooted in 2008, when UPA was in power


One lesson that we have learned ( or, should have learned ) over the past 13 years , is :


No policy can provide “ paid jobs in private or public sector “ to 12 / 15 million youth entering our work force each year



Having learnt this lesson, proposed NEP should simply consist of one sentence, viz :


“ Self Employment is a FUNDAMENTAL right of the citizen and anything ( rule – regulation – process – permission – law etc ) that stops an individual from becoming SELF EMPLOYED , will be treated as UNCONSTITUTIONAL “



With regards,


Hemen Parekh / 01 Nov 2021 / hcp@RecruitGuru.com  

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