Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Wednesday 1 November 2023


 Dear Secretary General ( BAI )


You may consider forwarding this mail to your members




Hemen Parekh


www.hemenparekh.in   /  hcp@RecruitGuru.com


From: Hemen Parekh [mailto:hcp@recruitguru.com]

Sent: 05 January 2022 11:59




'Cabinet July 2021'; 'rajyasabha1_2020'; 'rajyasabha2_2020'; 'loksabha1_2020'; 'loksabha2_2020'; 'loksabha3_2020'; 'Chief Minister 2021'; 'BJP National Executive'; 'Editors'; 'TV Anchors'; 'Business Leader'; 'Indian Think Tanks'; 'TIMESjourno'; 'amitabh.kant@nic.in'; 'vch-niti@gov.in'; 'fmo@nic.in'; 'cea@nic.in'; 'bibek.debroy@gov.in'; 'van@ifmr.ac.in'; 'eam@mea.gov.in'; 'drjitendras@gmail.com'; 'moshealth.akc@gov.in'; 'alav@ias.nic.in'; 'cm@karnataka.gov.in'; 'CM Mah'; 'office@rahulgandhi.in'; 'kc.venugopal@sansad.nic.in'; 'kcvenugopal.org@gmail.com'; 'gkishanreddy@yahoo.com'; 'tc.gehlot@sansad.nic.in'; 'niti'; 'hardeepsinghpuri@yahoo.com'; 'nitin.gadkari@nic.in'; 'd.pradhan@sansad.nic.in'; 'assocham@nic.in'; 'info@cii.in'; 'Hm.moca@nic.in'; 'prahladp@sansad.nic.in'; 'jyotiraditya.scindia@sansad.nic.in'; 'cabinetsy@nic.in'; 'cgpccryp.2013@gmail.com'; Hardeep.spuri@sansad.nic.inminister-mohua@nic.in






Congratulations, Shri Bhupesh Baghelji



[ CM – Chhattisgarh /  cgpccryp.2013@gmail.com ]



Context :


Chhattisgarh: AI-based direct building permit system to be installed in municipa 

/ Eco Times / 04 Jan 2022



Extract :

The Chhattisgarh government has launched an artificial intelligence (AI) based direct building permit system for constructions of buildings on residential plots of upto 500 sq meter in urban areas

Under this system, building permits would be issued without human intervention

The Artificial Intelligence based direct building permit system will be installed in every municipal corporation of the State, said the Chief Minister

The CM said,

“ The newly introduced building permit system will expedite the infrastructure development in cities of the state and save time and energy of the applicants. This system would offer an effective solution to the existing problems in the permit issuance process. Earlier, this process was complicated, time-taking and not easily accessible, requiring map-approval from several officials. But now this entire process will be free from human intervention and will be completed in a shorter duration “


The portal has been developed in 15 days at the instruction of the Chief Minister


If the applicant submits all the required documents with the application fee of Re 1, the building permit will be issued within seconds

Alarmelmangai D, Secretary, Urban Development Department said,


“ In this newly implemented online building permit system, separate dashboards have been made for ,


#  Public Representatives

#  Commissioners, and

#  Engineers,


On which, the applications received on a daily basis are displayed along with the information about,


#  Approvals

#  Permissions

#  Pending Cass


The Commissioners, Construction Officers, building Inspectors and other officers of all the municipal corporations have been trained to use the new Direct Building Permit System , through a state-level workshop


My  Take :


Ø I hope this path-breaking innovation will soon get copied / implemented by city municipalities, all over India


Ø Here are links to those innovations :




            Building Plan approval process flow    



Ø To a large extent, this replicates the PROCESS described in my following 6 YEAR old e-mail :

            SELF CERTIFICATION FOR BUILDERS ? ……………………………[ 04 Nov 2015 ]


     Extract :


     E-Delivery of Services to Construction Industry


    Here is how :


*  All builders / developers must register on Municipal Web sites and obtain



*  Builders must fill in online, on web site of concerned Municipality, a form :




*  Building Permit Application Form will have a STANDARD FORMAT , into

    which applicant will need to submit exhaustive details re the project


    This will include detailed Floor Plans and Structural Drawings , along with

    names / contact details of Architects / Structural Engineers etc


    The FORM will require slab-casting dates for each slab and the final

    completion date when builder will apply for Occupation Certificate


*  The Form will have a section called




    Builder would be required to tick YES / NO against each item as shown :


    Does your proposed Building / Structure / Project , satisfy the criteria /

    notifications / regulations , issued by the concerned Ministries in respect

    of :


    #   Built-up Area........... ( YES ) / ( NO )


    #   Height Restriction


    #   Fire Fighting


    #   Water Harvesting


    #   Roof-top Solar Power


    #   Effluent Treatment


    #   Garbage Disposal


    #   Earthquake Resistant Structural Design..............etc




Clicking on each item will reveal the relevant " Notification / Regulation " issued by the concerned Ministry


To make the process absolutely fool-proof , the form will insist on an " Electronic Signature " of the applicant






" I declare that I have read each and every notification / regulation , listed   in respect of items mentioned



I further declare that I explicitly agree to abide by these regulations


I am aware that Occupation Certificate will not be granted if my completed project is found to be in violation of any of these notifications / regulations


I will not allow any person / entity to occupy any part of this premises , until and unless , Municipality issues to me , the Occupation Certificate


If Municipality finds any violations , I agree to rectify the same before applying for a fresh Occupation Certificate


If Municipality is not in a position to issue Occupation Certificate due to any

violations which simply cannot be rectified , then I will demolish the said building / project / structure  on my own and before such demolition , refund with interest , payments collected from the buyers


The plot of land is free from any encumbrances / litigations


I am not in default of any loans taken from any bank / individuals


I will not accept any payment in cash , nor make cash payments


I absolve the Municipal Corporation of any liability arising out of non completion of my project 


I agree that my Building Permit Application and my Registration Application details , be made accessible to public on your web site , along with full details of my past / current projects and full details of my balance sheet / bank borrowings  " 






As soon as the builder submits the online BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION , it automatically and instantly , appears on the web sites of ALL the concerned Ministries


The concerned officer of each Ministry , makes APPROVED / REJECTED entries in the application form , from the backend


If rejected, he will provide the reasons


Ministry officers are required to carry out this entry, within 24 hours


As soon as an officer of any Ministry makes entry and SUBMITS , the application forms on web sites of ALL Ministries and web site of the concerned Municipality , get updated simultaneously and instantly , making for MIRROR IMAGES at all times


As soon as any entry is made , a copy gets emailed to the applicant builder


Any " editing " of the application form by the builder , will start the entire process , all over


Applicant builder will be obliged to display the latest emailed form at the site


The database so created on web sites of ALL Ministries - and concerned Municipality - will be searchable State-wise / City-wise







To speed up any litigation between the parties concerned ( Builder / Buyers / Central & State Govts / Municipality / Bankers etc ) , existing laws may be changed





Every application must be in the open domain and visible to anyone , online and transparently


There should be provision for any visitor of the web site to report any abuse / violation of regulations or any objection to the proposed construction






If such SELF CERTIFICATION process is implemented, it should be possible for India to beat Singapore, where getting 11 approval takes only 26 days !


It would be ZERO days in our case !



Dear Shri Hardeep Singh Puriji


[ Minister for Housing and Urban Development / hardeep.spuri@sansad.nic.in / minister-mohua@nic.in ]



I urge you to motivate all State Chief Ministers to emulate this outstanding example of e-Governance set by Shri Baghel


If implemented across the country, this innovation holds following promise  :


#  Dramatically accelerate the Construction Industry


#  Building Projects will get completed as per target dates


#  All stakeholders will have identical info about project-status in REAL TIME ( use of Blockchain Technology ? )


#  Elimination of corruption, rampant in Construction Industry


#  Creation of millions of new jobs ( especially for migrant construction workers )




With regards,


Hemen Parekh  /  hcp@RecruitGuru.com / 05 Jan 2022



Related Readings :


One Nation, One RERA ? Thanks Shri Puriji, …………………………..[ 06 Jan 2021 ]


Congratulations, Shri Hardeep Singh Puriji ……………………………..[ 03 Jan 2021 ]


How to build Houses / Shelters, super-quick ?..................... [ 13 Aug 2020 ]



Global Housing Construction Technology Challenge                [ 20 July 2020 ]  

Construction Technologies From Everywhere   …………………………[ 25 Feb 2018 ]



BuildingCastles in Air ?                      ………………………………………[  25  July  2015 ]


DREAM  HOUSE  BY 2020 ?                ……………………………………..[  01  Sept  2015  ]


FutureHome is Here !                        ……………………………………..[  02 March  2017  ]


A Roof Over Every Head ?                  …………………………………….[  07  March  2017  ]


Plastic Skyscrapers ?                         …………………………………….[  15  March  2017  ]


Claim is Credible , but ….                   …………………………………….[  11  Aug  2017  ]


Shelter@ Speed of Snail ? [ S 3 ]       ………………………………….. [  21  Sept  2017  ]


Did You Say “ Mission Mode “ ?          ……………………………………. [  11  Dec  2017 ]


How many will get ready by 2022 ?   --------------------------  [  01  Jan  2018  ]

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