Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Friday 17 November 2023


 Congratulations, Dr Harish Hiraniji


      ( Director, CMERI /  director@cmeri.res.in ),




Couple of weeks back, PM Shri Modi made following pledges :

·        India will achieve net Zero status by 2070

·        By 2030, 50 % of energy to come from renewable sources

·        To raise non-fossil fuel energy capacity to 500 GW 2030 ( considering that we are currently at 100 GW, it would mean adding another 400 GW by 2030 , which is almost 50 GW / year for next 8 years )

·        Cut projected emissions by a billion tons

·        Cut carbon intensity of India’s economy by 45 %

      ( Source :   Vishwa Karma V 2.0 ?    /    04 Nov 2021 )


While making those commitments, did Shri Modi have in mind, a Solar Cooker ?

May be, if he had read the following news report :

Giving away a cook stove to earn carbon credit    /  Business Line  /  12 Nov 2021


Extract / Highlights :

If someone told you that a company intends to distribute about 400 cook stoves, each worth ₹ 1,600, you would think that either it is philanthropy or that the company’s management is crazy.

Well, it is neither. GHG Reduction Technologies Pvt Ltd is putting up a factory at Nashik, Maharashtra, to manufacture cook stoves that it plans to distribute to the rural poor (over several years) free of cost, with a solid business plan behind it.

The company aims to get carbon credits for each cook stove given away, which, it reckons, will more than pay for the manufacturing cost of the cook stove.

GHG Reduction Technologies has been promoted by Manish Dabkara

(manish.dabkara@enkingint.org /manishdabkara@gmail.com )

  - who has also promoted EKI Energy, a company that facilitates in carbon trading

Dabkara calculates that each cook stove will earn the company four carbon credits a year because they save a lot on fuel wood.

And the prices of carbon credits ( or offsets ) are already going through the roof

Today, certain types of carbon offsets sell for as much as € 60

Whenever the rules are made, governments (mostly of developed countries) would start buying the offsets

They would form the ‘compliance market’, where offsets are purchased to meet a commitment.

The voluntary marketcomprising companies such as Google and Apple, have vowed to reduce their carbon footprint to meet their ‘net-zero’ commitments

Today, investors are buying offsets in the hope of selling for a profit to entities that will be obliged under various agreements to reduce their carbon footprint

Other potential buyers are oil and gas companies.

Dabkara believes that the market will only grow, with more and more entities demanding offsets. That is why he is investing in the manufacture of cook stoves that he will give away free.




The news report cited above does not say what kind of cook-stoves are these


Priced at Rs 1600, these are most likely to be single burner stoves which use LPG Cylinder for fuel


May be GHG Reduction Technology stoves are very efficient and consume much less LPG – and, as a result, produce much less green house gases – which is certainly a very desirable improvement


But a real breakthrough reduction in GHG can come only through use of Solar Cookers ( thereby completely eliminating need to use LPG , which country imports at a cost of lakhs of crores of rupees )


What is required is for the Central Govt to go ALL OUT to push the Solar Cooker technology reported in :

CSIR-CMERI Solar DC Cooking System- A Step Towards a Green & Pollution Free India

Extract :

Prof. Harish Hirani, Director, CSIR-CMERI, handed over the CSIR-CMERI developed Solar DC Cooking System to the Asansol Braille Academy, West Bengal today


The CSIR-CMERI developed Solar DC Cooking Technology was transferred to two business entities namely M/s Asansol Solar & LED House, WB and M/s Meeco Solar & Infrastructure Associates, Durgapur, WB.


The CSIR-CMERI developed Solar DC Cooking System is a Solar Energy based Cooking System which consists of  solar PV panel / charge controller / battery bank and / cooking oven.


Specifications :


√  Maximum Heating Capacity: 1200 W

√  Regulation: Two Steps (700W & 1200W)

√  Operating Voltage: 50 VDC

√  Solar PV Panels: 1300 W ( This will need a PV panel of 145 Sq Ft @ 9 W / Sq ft )

√  Battery Bank: 48 V, 100 Ah ( 4 no x 12V batteries / approx total cost = Rs 27,000 

√  PWM/MPPT Charge Controller


Watch video at :  https://www.indiascience.in/videos/csir-cmeri-launches-solar-dc-cooking-system-e



Description: Description: https://vajiramandravi.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/media/2021/9/23/9/5/16/solarrr.jpg

The technology provides:


#   Clean Cooking Environment,

#   Invertor-Less Direct Operation,

#   Fast and Uniform Heating, and a

# Potential to save 1 ton Carbon Dioxide emissions year / household.


It was a dream of a ‘Pollution-Free India’ and the CSIR-CMERI developed Solar DC Cooking System is a small step towards realization of that dream.


The CSIR-CMERI developed Solar DC Cooking System has 20-25% better efficiency and more Economical in comparison with Conventional Solar based Cooking Systems which loses efficiency owing to AC-DC conversion.


The simple Technology Design also ensures Ease-of-Manufacturing and thus provides a substantial Economic Opportunity for the Micro-Industries. 


This System will help in substantial curbing of Carbon Dioxide emissions - as even LPG usage emits Carbon Dioxide.


The Technology once it reaches the market will cost in the range of Rs 65,000 - Rs 70,000.


Similar to other Solar Energy based products, if Government subsidies are provided there will be a significant reduction in the price of the product.


Widespread usage of the CSIR-CMERI developed Solar DC Cooking System can also play a critical role in:


#   achieving the target of 200 GW of Solar energy as envisioned by the Hon’ble Prime Minister of India and

#   also to save almost 290 million tons of Carbon Dioxide emissions.


( Related News :

Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana


Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana List - 2021


National Indian Carbon Coalition

Rooftop Solar Scheme




Dear Dr Hirani,



While congratulating you – and your team of researchers – for this path-breaking innovation, I urge you to bring out V 2.0 of your system, with following objectives :

Ø Bring down the size of PV solar panel required, from 145 sq ft to a low of 15 sq ft , so that , all of India’s households ( some 290 million ) can mount it on roof / terrace or projecting from a window

            Only then, will your System manage to save  290 million tons of Carbon Dioxide emissions.


             [  For possible solution, refer : 1000 TIMES MORE POWERFUL SOLAR PV PANELS ]


Ø Instead of using FOUR ( lead acid ? ) automotive batteries of 12 V each , consider a single / compact New Age battery, that can store generated Solar Power for 100 HOURS but cost only ONE-TENTH of current Lithium-ion batteries

             [ for possible solution, refer :   How to reduce Carbon Emission to Net Zero ?  ]


 Taken together, these improvements may bring down the selling price of your system from Rs 70,000 to an affordable Rs 20,000


In the hands of the householder, this can be further brought down to ( say ) Rs 5,000 , by :


Ø Central Govt providing a BUYER SUBSIDY ( DBT ) of ( say ), Rs 5000 ( what govt may be spending today on subsidizing LPG cylinders to poor households under UJWALA scheme


Ø Govts reimbursing GST / SGST + introducing Production linked Incentives ( Rs 5,000 ? )


Ø For every unit sold, system manufacturers allotted 10 Carbon Credits ( worth Rs 5,000 )



With regards,


Hemen Parekh / hcp@RecruitGuru.com / 14 Nov 2021



Related Readings :


Ø Vishwa Karma V 2.0 ? ………………………….. [ 04 Nov 2021 ]

Ø Sun : Our Soul ( A New SOS )  ………………[  02 Jan 2017 ]


Ø World's cheapest energy storage will be an  iron-air battery

Ø Rooftop Solar Installations Could Exceed 2,000 GW by 2050 Globally


Ø Inscrutable are the ways of the Providence ? ……[ 15 June 2021 ]

Ø Solar  Chula  ?  Some  Unanswered  Questions


Ø Solar Chulha : Where can I buy ? 

Ø Dear Shri Goyalji : How about a Solar Cooker ?  /   26 Aug 2020 )


Ø Time to " Talk the Walk "  …………………………………..  19 Sept 2020 )

Ø Not in one day : What about 3 years ? ……………..[ 25 Oct 2020 ]

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