Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Sunday 19 November 2023


 Shri. T P Singh


Shri  Vinay Thakur


Shri Ajay Patel



Dear Shri Singhji,



I just came across following news report :


Gati Shakti to assist economy, help save ₹20 lakh cr: Goyal 


-      Where you are quoted as :



The portal is developed by Bhaskaracharya National Institute for Space Applications and Geo-informatics (BISAG-N), an Ahmedabad-based central government institute.



“The work on this project (PM Gati Shakti) was started in August 2020 and the geospatial digital platform currently houses infra projects of 16 ministries with multi-thematic layers that will help the government in visualisation, planning, regulatory approvals, prioritisation, query, monitoring, gap identification, project management and decision making,”  TP Singh, director general of BISAG-N said.



Since this platform ( a portal ? ) has been created by your team, I thought my following mail might interest you


Whereas I realize that , whether to enable general public to  “ access – search and view “ the status of various projects , can only be the decision by PMO , I urge you to explore the technical possibility of such a feature ( besides having a visitor counter )


With regards,


Hemen Parekh





From: Hemen Parekh [mailto:hcp@recruitguru.com]

Sent: 14 October 2021 12:05





'Cabinet July 2021'; 'rajyasabha1_2020'; 'rajyasabha2_2020'; 'loksabha1_2020'; 'loksabha2_2020'; 'loksabha3_2020'; 'Chief Minister 2021'; 'BJP National Executive'; 'Editors'; 'TV Anchors'; 'Business Leader'; 'Indian Think Tanks'; 'TIMESjourno'; 'amitabh.kant@nic.in'; 'vch-niti@gov.in'; 'fmo@nic.in'; 'cea@nic.in'; 'bibek.debroy@gov.in'; 'van@ifmr.ac.in'; 'eam@mea.gov.in'; 'drjitendras@gmail.com'; 'moshealth.akc@gov.in'; 'alav@ias.nic.in'; 'cm@karnataka.gov.in'; 'CM Mah'; 'office@rahulgandhi.in'; 'kc.venugopal@sansad.nic.in'; 'kcvenugopal.org@gmail.com'; 'gkishanreddy@yahoo.com'; 'tc.gehlot@sansad.nic.in'; 'niti'; 'hardeepsinghpuri@yahoo.com'; 'nitin.gadkari@nic.in'; 'd.pradhan@sansad.nic.in'; 'assocham@nic.in'; 'info@cii.in'; 'Hm.moca@nic.in'; 'prahladp@sansad.nic.in'






Thank You, Dear Prime Minister



Context :


Gati Shakti IT interface to store infrastructure projects data   /  TOI   /  14  Oct  2021


PM Modi unveils Rs 100 lakh crore Gati Shakti plan: All you need to know  /  TOI  / 13 Oct 2021


PM Narendra Modi to unveil Gati Shakti master plan next week  /  TNN   /  10  Oct  2021




Extracts :


The IT interface for Gati Shakti Master Plan will capture all details of existing and upcoming projects and will also highlight the gaps for last mile or missing connectivities



Officials said a detailed presentation on the IT interface and data capturing was made before officials and representatives from private sector on Wednesday after Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched the scheme


TOI has learnt that implementation of the scheme will also be monitored at three levels , including the level of an apex panel headed by Cabinet Secretary



One of the key focus areas will be monitoring of the progress and resolving issues as there is a strict timeline for the plan’s execution


Currently, the biggest challenge is to bridge the gap and complete the missing link between different infrastructure projects


The data and details fed by all agencies in the system is crucial  


As the multi-modal connectivity plan will focus on shifting from “ disjointed planning “ to “ integrated planning “ of centrally sponsored infrastructure projects , officials don’t rule out the government also right-sizing the plans to meet the requirements


Though the government hasn’t specified the size of the programme in financial terms, it will subsume the Rs 110 lakh crore National Infrastructure Pipeline,  which was launched by the PM in 2019



Under Gati Shakti, a digital platform has been created which will bring 16 ministries including Rail and Roadways together for integrated planning and coordinated implementation of infrastructure connectivity projects


The platform will provide high resolution satellite images, infrastructure, utilities , administrative boundaries , land and logistics



PM Gati Shakti, an initiative to be launched by PM Narendra Modi on Oct 13, is a comprehensive Geo-Spatial Digital Platform , intended to break silos that often confound government decision making and bring about a fundamental shift in PROJECT PLANNING and EXECUTION


The core of the Gati Shakti will have 200 layers that the GIS system offers


Official sources said the platform will help private players who are part of the Central Government projects, too. The government wants to look upon them as partners , not just contractors


Accessing a COMMON  DATABASE  of information , will deliver planners a significant advantage






Following are the e-Mails that I sent to our Cabinet Ministers , over the past 6 YEARS :



Nothing prettier than PERT ! ………………………………………… [ 04 Dec 2015 ]


Extract :

My suggestions  :

*    When any Ministry submits any Project Proposal for Cabinet approval, it must

      be accompanied by a PERT (Program Evaluation and Review Technique ) chart

     , clearly showing all the " Activities " lying along  the CRITICAL PATH ( earlier

      known as the CRITICAL PATH METHOD )


      That PERT Chart must accompany a tabulation showing, for each " Activity ",

         #   " Pessimistic Time "

        #    " Optimistic Time " , and the

        #    " Most likely Time "


      Since Admiral Rickover , introduced this mandatory requirement for awarding

      tender to build the first nuclear submarine, some 50 years ago , all US

      government departments follow this procedure for all govt contracts


*    Insist that all the government departments / contractors, responsible for

       execution of any of these "activities", update the PERT chart status online on

       the web site of the Project Monitoring Group


*   PERT charts for all the projects should be made visible to the general public


*   If there is any " slippage " in any activity lying on the CRITICAL PATH , the

      name of the department or contractor responsible , must appear in bold RED

      letters , against that activity


      This is the only INNOVATION that we need , to ensure that the projects get

      completed in time and within budget




Remembering Admiral Rickover ! …………………………….[ 04 June 2017 ]


Extract :

Decades ago , Admiral Rickover ( US Navy ) introduced the concept of PERT and

insisted that all future bids ( for Navy Contracts ) be accompanied by a PERT chart


If Defence Acquisition Council wants to ensure that this procurement does not

 meet the fate of many of our earlier attempts to develop indigenous technologies

 , where a 4 year project went on for 24 years , then DAC should seriously

 consider my following suggestion ( earlier sent as email to all Policy Makers )



PERT for Digital Dashboard………………………………………… [ 27 Feb 2018 ]


Extract :

Very soon, the Chief Minister will be able to monitor the status of all development projects in the state, in real-time, on his mobile, laptop and other digital platforms via a digital dashboard.

The State Directorate of Information Technology has been working on an electronic interface that aggregates and visualizes data from multiple sources.

In the second phase, members of the public can access a portion of the live dashboard, giving the workings of the projects transparency.

The digital dashboard will also help the CM fix loopholes, curb scams and anticipate and lift roadblocks.

My Suggestion :

If this “ digital dashboard “ has to become an instrument for fixing

accountability of officers / agencies responsible for project delays , then I urge

Shri Fadnavisji to employ project planning and review technique described in my

following blog


Monitoring Projects in Real-time ? ……………………………….[ 11 Aug 2020 ]


Extract :

After a long wait , this suggestion seems to be on the verge of “ acceptance “


Suggestion :


          Ø   Getting all Infrastructure Projects Status updated in real time

          Ø   Enabling “ Distributed Updating “ of Project Status by different Ministries /


          Ø   Allowing all citizen to view latest status of any project, online on a Govt



No More Delayed Projects ? ……………………………….[ 26 Aug 2021 ]


Extract :


Dear Narendrabhai,


I hope those “ dossiers “ help you in fixing the responsibility of delays on specific officers – and take appropriate actions ( stagnation – transfer – demotion – dismissal ? )


But then, you just won’t have time to read hundreds of dossiers ( one for each delayed project )


In fact, this ( preparation and review of dossiers by you ) should NOT even be necessary, if the following suggestion ( which I have been e-mailing to all Cabinet Minister for past 6 YEARS, ) gets implemented :


Simply enable millions of citizen to openly VIEW on some website, PERT charts for each and every Infra project, which clearly highlights, dynamically / every day :


       Ø  Amount of “ Time-Delay “ and “ Cost Over-run “ , as compared to the targets


       Ø  Name of the Officer responsible ( along with his Mobile No / Email ID ) for each ACTIVITY on PERT


PERT technique was introduced in USA, some 50 years ago


Today, India’s software geeks are capable of :


       Ø  Developing a much superior technique ( with DELAY-ALERTS being delivered on Mobiles )


       Ø  Punishment / Promotion of concerned officers, as outlined at :


             Artificial Intelligence to fix MP / MLA Salary ?................ [ 22 Feb 2018 ]


Let the entire process be available for REVIEW by citizen in an open / transparent manner

Things will improve dramatically



Dear Narendrabhai,



Will Gati Shakti digital platform, bring back people’s faith in the government’s capability of EXECUTING infra projects , without over-runs of TIME and COST ?

Yes, it can , provided ( and pardon my repetition ) :




The entire process on the DIGITAL PLATFORM ( a portal ), is made “ accessible “ for VIEWING by citizen in an open / transparent manner




With regards,


Hemen Parekh  /  hcp@RecruitGuru.com  /  14  Oct  2021


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